Wake Up!
They Try To Steal The Man In Your Head
Make You Kneel In Front Of Icons
They Took The Place Which Wasn't Theirs
Enslave You With A Power They Don't Have
Don't Need To Be Guided
Their Lambs Become Rams
Tell Them The Universe Hides Inside Us All
Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer...
Is It What You Got
which - cual
warrior - guerrero
those - aquellos
things - cosas
theirs - suyo
their - su
themselves - sí mismos
tears - lágrimas
share - compartir
sectarian - sectario
rules - reglas
revenge - venganza
resolved - resuelto
reich - reich
priests - sacerdotes
yourself - tú mismo
precious - precioso
power - poder
place - lugar
drown - ahogar
drink - beber
front - frente
again - de nuevo
steal - robar
happened - pasó
break - descanso
fuhrer - fuhrer
right - derecho
generate - generar
streams - arroyos
enslave - esclavizar
lambs - cordeiros
universe - universo
become - volverse
gregarious - gregario
fools - tontos
icons - iconos
someone - alguien
blessed - bendito
cannot - no poder
guided - guiado
blood - sangre
hides - se esconde
judge - juez
inside - dentro
kneel - arrodillarse
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