I gave and gave - gave all I had
I took and took - all I could grab
I had it all and I had none
Now the game is over and it's all gone
My heart is worn out to keep beating
My lungs exhausted by all this breathing
My mind's too tired to keep grieving
I was against and I was for
wanted - querido
exhausted - agotado
breathing - respiración
blood - sangre
beating - paliza
against - en contra
ready - listo
being - siendo
wounds - heridas
drained - agotado
could - podría
heart - corazón
lungs - livianos
reaping - siega
weeping - llanto
releasing - liberando
throat - garganta
screaming - gritando
grieving - duelo
short - corto
slowing - ralentizando
tired - cansado
bleeding - sangría
swollen - hinchado
streaming - transmisión
strong - fuerte
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