She was no longer precious to me...

I guess my hate grew much stronger

Than my love for her ever did

(I was) so tired of chasing that person

Who made me feel loved

And as we were embracing I cut

And spilt the dearest blood

I'm praying for her soul as this blood

On my hands stains me whole...

You were my life, from you I fed of

And now parted by knife - the suicide of our love

So callous and frigid was that stillborn soul...

Yet no other half could ever make me whole

You promised: "...'til death do us part"

whole - todo
tired - cansado
heart - corazón
loved - amado
hands - manos
grave - tumba
flame - llama
those - aquellos
alive - viva
burns - quemaduras
stronger - más fuerte
blood - sangre
beating - paliza
nights - noches
chasing - persiguiendo
dearest - querido
longer - más
guess - adivinar
abundant - abundante
passion - pasión
knife - cuchillo
could - podría
fades - desvanece
setting - ajuste
death - muerte
other - otro
stains - manchas
loveless - sin amor
suicide - suicidio
huddled - acurrucado
frigid - frígido
callous - calloso
parted - dividido
stillborn - nacido muerto
spilt - derramado
praying - rezando
reasons - razones
seeping - filtrando
person - persona
precious - precioso
pulse - legumbres
shadows - oscuridad
embracing - abrazando
stand - estar
stillness - quietud
stone - piedra
promised - prometido
times - veces

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