Today's escape will consist of a mask

I found it in a bargain bin

Why do you ask

Rosy cheeks and a smile

There's no shame in my game of denial

Don't you touch, move along

Keep your hands inside

Ask enough from afar

Enjoy the ride

It don't get much better than this

There's the riff, here's the hook,

Where's the myth

Manning my stations

Taking control of the situation

where - dónde
touch - toque
taking - tomando
sunny - soleado
still - todavía
stations - estaciones
stare - mirar fijamente
situation - situación
shame - vergüenza
savvy - comprensión
never - nunca
please - por favor
manning - dotación
could - podría
better - mejor
miracle - milagro
complain - quejar
beaten - vencido
along - a lo largo
found - encontró
loyal - leal
denial - negación
consist - consistir
cheeks - las mejillas
smile - sonreír
inside - dentro
hands - manos
enjoy - disfrutar
control - controlar
enough - Suficiente
quite - bastante
escapade - escapada
glass - vaso
exists - existe
fours - kliknij słowo lub podświetl zwrot, von zobaczyć jego tłumaczenie.
provoke - provocar
escape - escapar
field - campo
force - fuerza
bargain - negociar
hello - hola

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