I can't fight this feeling any longer

And yet I'm still afraid to let it flow

What started out as friendship has grown stronger

I only wish I had the strength to let it show

I tell myself that I can't hold out forever

I say there is no reason for my fear

'Coz I feel so secure when we're together

You give my life direction, you make everything so clear

And ever as I wander I'm keeping you in sight

You're a candle in the window on a cold dark winter's night

And I'm getting closer than I every thought I might

No I can't fight this feeling anymore

I've forgotten what I've started fighting for

It's time to bring this ship into the shore

whirlwind - torbellino
wander - deambular
together - juntos
floor - piso
round - redondo
fighting - lucha
fight - lucha
feeling - sensación
forgotten - olvidado
getting - consiguiendo
anymore - nunca más
always - siempre
crawl - gatear
longer - más
strength - fuerza
alone - solo
night - noche
circles - círculos
since - ya que
following - siguiendo
crashing - estrellarse
might - podría
still - todavía
window - ventana
reason - razón
candle - vela
secure - seguro
clear - claro
closer - cerca
grown - crecido
keeping - acuerdo
direction - dirección
afraid - asustado
never - nunca
seems - parece
every - jeder
myself - mí mismo
everything - todo
shore - apuntalar
stronger - más fuerte
forever - siempre
sight - visión
started - empezado
friendship - amistad
places - lugares
there - ahí
bring - traer
through - mediante
thought - pensamiento
throw - lanzar

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