I heard the knock on my door
I heard the ring of the bell
I got the letter but I couldn't go
So many thoughts in my head
So many places to be
So many faces that I long to see
Standing in front of me tonight
The lights will take me where I long to be
Just like a thousand nights before
Somebody said to me
where - dónde
thoughts - pensamientos
thank - gracias
standing - en pie
something - alguna cosa
right - derecho
front - frente
carry - llevar
settle - resolver
explain - explique
forget - olvidar
advice - consejo
afraid - asustado
nights - noches
energy - energía
moving - emocionante
thousand - mil
straight - derecho
before - antes de
places - lugares
caring - cuidando
gives - da
heard - oído
letter - carta
wrong - incorrecto
illuminate - iluminar
precious - precioso
relax - relajarse
somebody - alguien
islands - [object Object]
tonight - esta noche
knock - golpe
faces - caras
lights - luces
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