I got a girl and her name is Mary,

I like to shock her on a basis daily,

I like to push you over into my stream,

I like to point out that her teeth are green,

I tell you stories that you won't understand

I'll have you eating from the palm of my hand

I'm gonna push you further into my dream

The back of every head hold something obscene

Ahhhhh... ay ya ya

wanna - quiere
understand - entender
there - ahí
teeth - dientes
stream - corriente
watch - reloj
something - alguna cosa
falling - que cae
strings - instrumentos de cuerda
every - jeder
shock - choque
dream - sueño
doubt - duda
gonna - va a
apart - aparte
holds - sostiene
obscene - obsceno
eating - comiendo
ahhhhh -
further - promover
green - verde
seams - costuras
knocked - golpeado
basis - base
machine - máquina
stories - cuentos
meant - significado
daily - diariamente
ordinary - ordinario
point - punto
feeling - sensación
puppet - marioneta

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