The static comes in slow

You can feel it grow

Our stream of conscience flows

Under the streets below

The rivers made of sound

Still running underground

Runs like a silent flood

We run as thick as blood

Can you hear it rise

Up from the ground?

Can't drown it out

Can you hear it now?

voice - voz
there - ahí
streets - calles
thick - grueso
still - todavía
static - estático
skies - cielo
silent - silencio
right - derecho
perkins - perkins
rivers - ríos
nation - nación
collision - colisión
comes - proviene
haunted - obsesionado
blood - sangre
mouths - bocas
breaking - rotura
flows - flujos
underground - subterráneo
stream - corriente
above - encima
beneath - debajo
alive - viva
sound - sonar
bound - ligado
below - abajo
under - debajo
conscience - conciencia
broken - roto
fight - lucha
running - corriendo
heartbeat - latido del corazón
louder - más fuerte
desperation - desesperación
discontented - descontento
flood - inundar
drown - ahogar
final - final
ground - suelo

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