Tides of glass, return to ash.

In the dawn, we follow the path away from the sun.

Shadows cast in wake of the past.

Reaching out, into the dark and out of the light.

Crawling underneath our feet,

a river running black and green

from the heart of the gallows tree,

where the future and our fate

will bleed into the world below.

Stone to bear the mountain stairs.

where - dónde
weaving - tejeduría
unsee - no ver
under - debajo
hands - manos
mountain - montaña
clouds - nubes
green - verde
fates - destinos
underneath - debajo
heart - corazón
gallows - horca
sight - visión
falling - que cae
earth - tierra
divide - dividir
night - noche
crawling - rastreo
black - negro
devils - diablos
action - acción
dance - baile
below - abajo
despair - desesperación
light - ligero
follow - seguir
things - cosas
patterns - patrones
reaching - alcanzando
river - río
result - resultado
stole - estola
rising - creciente
future - futuro
running - corriendo
bleed - sangrar
brings - trae
tides - mareas
shadows - oscuridad
snakes - serpientes
spinning - hilado
glass - vaso
knees - rodillas
stare - mirar fijamente
world - mundo
stairs - escalera
stone - piedra
tears - lágrimas
return - regreso
threads - trapos
three - tres
truth - verdad

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