Bad reception everywhere I go

Misconceptions round my back door

Wanted to try you on

Wanted to try you out

Don't tell my mother, she might freak out

I was running through your drawers

Hoping you would not bust through that door


Would it be alright

under - debajo
those - aquellos
sorry - lo siento
sarah - sarah
everywhere - en todos lados
merchandise - mercancías
drawers - cajones
doors - puertas
while - mientras
begin - empezar
wanted - querido
guess - adivinar
creep - arrastrarse
through - mediante
accusations - acusaciones
would - haría
clothes - ropa
alright - bien
round - redondo
arrest - arrestar
friends - amigos
could - podría
freak - monstruo
night - noche
hoping - esperando
might - podría
running - corriendo
misconceptions - conceptos erróneos
please - por favor
mother - madre
finally - finalmente
reception - recepción

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