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The Rumjacks - UNCLE TOMMY traducción en Español (haciendo clic)

UNCLE TOMMY - The Rumjacks

palabras a estudiar

Early one November me Uncle Tommy joined the army,

Kitted him out for danger & ferried him o’er the sea,

He threw me o’er his shoulder, sang to me a dirty ditty,

Telling me when I were older “you’ll be just like me”,

A half a bottle o’ whisky, tattoo of a pretty lady,

Half a dozen Havana’s & his Aunties rosary,

A-thunderin’ oe’r the border, guns a-blazin’, hells a-raisin’,

“Here I am ya bastards, ye’ll no be havin’ me!”

Tommy was a rifle, Tommy was a razor,

Tommy was a ramblin’ man,

A silver blade in the dyin’ shade,