Evil is spreading around the world, like a deadly decease

The army of darkness has just one goal, death and

destruction to all

Wanling the powers of evil revealed, forcing

the mankind to kneel

Now they're coming from the seas, all with weapon in hand

The are raping, they are killing, they try to take

over our land

So it's time it's your destiny, help the mankind get free

So take the sword and saddle your horse

And be ready to fight for your life

And make the people, to put on their weapons

world - mundo
weapon - arma
sword - espada
strange - extraño
steel - acero
soldiers - soldados
saddle - sillín
revealed - revelado
received - recibido
raping - violando
powers - potestades
people - gente
never - nunca
worships - adora
destiny - destino
destruction - destrucción
decease - fallecimiento
their - su
ready - listo
kneels - se arrodilla
victorious - victorioso
death - muerte
deadly - mortal
coming - viniendo
around - alrededor
horse - caballo
bleeding - sangría
field - campo
darkness - oscuridad
enemy - enemigo
blessing - bendición
light - ligero
weapons - armas
battlefield - campo de batalla
fight - lucha
forcing - forzando
killing - asesinato
spreading - extensión
preparing - preparando
kneel - arrodillarse
sense - sentido
joined - unido
mankind - humanidad

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