The beach is a place where a man can feel
He's the only soul in the world that's real,
Well I see a face coming through the haze,
I remember him from those crazy days.
Crazy days
Crazy days!
Ain't you the guy who used to set the paces
Riding up in front of a hundred faces,
I don't suppose you would remember me,
But I used to follow you back in sixty three.
I've got a good job
And I'm newly born.
You should see me dressed up in my uniform.
I work in hotel all gilt and flash.
Remember the place where the doors were smashed?
Bell Boy! I got to keep running now.
Bell Boy! Keep my lip buttoned down.
Bell Boy! Carry this baggage out.
Bell Boy! Always running at someone's heel.
You know how I feel, always running at someone's heel.
uniform - uniforme
hundred - cien
flown - volado
should - debería
sleep - dormir
early - temprano
three - tres
those - aquellos
flash - destello
doors - puertas
beach - playa
baggage - equipaje
could - podría
where - dónde
dressed - vestido
through - mediante
nights - noches
little - pequeño
always - siempre
people - gente
follow - seguir
badge - distintivo
faces - caras
behind - detrás
crazy - loca
perks - beneficios
buttoned - abotonado
front - frente
carry - llevar
hotel - hotel
change - cambio
coming - viniendo
learn - aprender
boots - botas
licking - облизывание
reach - alcanzar
world - mundo
paces - pasos
place - lugar
remember - recuerda
riding - equitación
sixty - sesenta
often - a menudo
stars - estrellas
wander - deambular
secret - secreto
would - haría
smashed - colocado
newly - recién
running - corriendo
spend - gastar
still - todavía
suppose - suponer
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