So you think your having good times
With the boy that you just met
Kicking sand from beach to beach
Your clothes all soaking wet
But if you look around and see
A shadow on the run
Don't be too upset because its just a paper sun
Ahh Paper Sun, Ahh Paper Sun
In the room where you've been sleeping
All your clothes all thrown about
Cigarettes burn window sills
Your meter's all run out
window - ventana
while - mientras
kicking - pateando
icicles - icicles
fresh - fresco
tired - cansado
flowers - flores
train - tren
going - yendo
feeling - sensación
daylight - luz
about - acerca de
stealing - robando
pence - peniques
crying - llorando
clothes - ropa
beach - playa
begun - comenzado
given - dado
sleeping - dormido
cheek - mejilla
sleep - dormir
again - de nuevo
because - porque
around - alrededor
lonely - solitario
paper - papel
times - veces
beneath - debajo
pitching - cabeceo
cigarettes - Cigarrillos
nothing - nada
nowhere - en ninguna parte
seagull - gaviota
perfume - perfume
soaking - remojo
having - teniendo
phone - teléfono
shadow - sombra
breaks - descansos
standing - en pie
people - gente
sweet - dulce
think - pensar
thrown - tirado
split - división
upset - trastornado
where - dónde
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