Know your place in life is where you want to be
Don't let them tell you that you owe it all to me
Keep on looking forward; no use in looking 'round
Hold your head above the ground and they won't bring you down
Anthem of the heart and anthem of the mind
A funeral dirge for eyes gone blind
wrought - forjado
write - escribir
worth - valor
where - dónde
those - aquellos
forward - adelante
yourself - tú mismo
wrong - incorrecto
blind - ciego
dirge - endecha
hands - manos
bleeding - sangría
ground - suelo
above - encima
living - vivo
world - mundo
selfishness - egoísmo
after - después
peart - peart
always - siempre
wonders - maravillas
anthem - himno
funeral - funeral
sought - buscado
begging - mendicidad
heart - corazón
bring - traer
hearts - copas
looking - mirando
marvel - maravilla
place - lugar
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