Step inside the dream machine

You're on a power drive

Feel the passion of the beast

Watch her come alive.

Oh-- you're almost there, ride on silver air

You better hold on tight-- she's fire in the night.


Faster than the speed of light

Hugging all the curves

Hang on to your life

tonight - esta noche
tight - apretado
there - ahí
supercharged - sobrealimentado
street - calle
speed - Velocidad
silver - plata
power - poder
pedal - pedal
passion - pasión
thrill - emoción
night - noche
drive - manejar
nerves - nervios
dynamite - dinamita
curves - curvas
beast - bestia
control - controlar
better - mejor
tough - difícil
shoot - disparar
heading - título
alive - viva
almost - casi
engine - motor
hugging - abrazándose
faster - más rápido
twice - dos veces
floor - piso
tearing - desgarro
repeat - repetir
hands - manos
inside - dentro
wheel - rueda
watch - reloj
cylinders - cilindros
flying - volador
light - ligero
chorus - coro
dream - sueño
liquid - líquido
steel - acero
machine - máquina

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