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East of Eden - Ferris Wheel Kiss (Es)

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    Categoría: Movie Scenes
    guion de vídeo
    palabras a estudiar

    Oh, I shouldn't talk to you this way, Cal,
    I shouldn't...

    ...but I don't know who else to talk to.

    And sometimes I think I'm really bad.

    Sometimes I don't know what to think.

    - Well, Aron'll knock that out of you.
    - Will he?

    He's got to.

    The way I figure it out... Aron
    never having had a mother...

    ...well, he's made her everything good
    that he can think of...

    ...and that's what he thinks I am.

    And that's who he's in love with.
    It's not me at all.

    Because I'm not a bit like that made-up one.
    Not a bit.

    I don't mean I think I'm really bad.

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