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Get in!
She's got a gun!
Let's get out while we can!
- What?
- She's got a gun!
Let's get out while we can!
Pass it on!
He said let's have some
fun and take out the dam.
Basset hound.
Alex wants to take out the dam.
All right!
But it's his funeral.
- Hard to port!
- Aye-aye, Skippy!
Bring it on!
Come back!
That's my dinner!
Kowalski, full throttle.
- I like this song.
- It never gets old.
It does have a catchy hook.
Come about! Bring her in low!
Hold onto your skirts!
It's dam-busting time!
Hold on tight, baby!
Here we go!
Tell them no! Pull up!
They'll kill us!
There's got to be another way!
Pass it on!
They say no pull up. Kill us.
There's no other way.
Basset hound.
Are you sure?
Men, there is no sacrifice greater
than someone else's.
No! Medic!
Ramming speed!
Bring it on!
Bad kitties.
I don't know
why the sacrifice didn't work.
The science seemed so solid.
I'd jump right in that
if i wasn't so
good at whistling.
It's you! I found you!
- Mort?
Bad fishy!
I wonder if the gods like
Let's go find out.
Look, Maurice.
- That was quick.
- I did it!
I did it! I did it!
OK, you did it!
- Oh, yes!
- It's Alakay!
- It's Zuba!
You did it!
wonder - preguntarse
while - mientras
wants - quiere
volcano - volcán
throttle - acelerador
speed - Velocidad
someone - alguien
solid - sólido
skirts - afueras
tight - apretado
skippy - skippy
skipper - patrón
there - ahí
seemed - parecía
sacrifice - sacrificio
whistling - silbido
basset - afloramiento
science - ciencia
busting - revienta
about - acerca de
dinner - cena
another - otro
alakay - alakay
fishy - sospechoso
funeral - funeral
greater - mayor
right - derecho
hound - sabueso
kitties - gatitos
seafood - mariscos
found - encontró
bring - traer
other - otro
ramming - embestir
kowalski - kowalski
maurice - mauricio
medic - médico
catchy - pegadizo
quick - rápido
never - nunca
music - música
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