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- Why don't you let the boy defend himself?
- And in the second place...
this rocket proves nothing.
You've already admitted having lost
a number of your rockets.
You cannot prove conclusively that
another one of them didn't start that fire.
Yes, I can.
Are we to conclude, Mr. Hickam,
that since leaving school,
you've not only become
an expert in rocket science,
but in the field
of trigonometry?
- I didn't say that...
- Obviously, you learned more...
in the coal mines
than you did in high school.
Let the boy talk.
Go ahead, Homer.
And that fire was near Welch, just
under three miles from our launchpad.
And at the time of the fire, the best
that we could do was one point two miles.
which is exactly where we found
that rocket, Mr. Turner.
See, Mr. Turner, that rocket
fell for about fourteen seconds,
which means that it flew to an altitude
of three thousand feet
according to the equation,
"S" equals one-half "A", "T" squared
where "S" is the altitude,
"A" is the gravity constant thirty two
and "T" is the time it took
for that rocket to come back down.
- Velocity equals...
- Get him... get him.
Are you following this,
Mr. Turner?
All right,
we're all duly impressed.
But do you mind telling me, if you
did not start that fire, who did?
What is it?
Whatever it is, it's ingenious.
The fins are spring-loaded.
That isn't a rocket
at all.
It's an aeronautical flare.
There's an airport here in Welch,
right above where the fire started.
Mr. Hickam, report to my office
as soon as we return to school.
You do intend to enter the
county science fair, do you not?
Yes, sir, we do.
Well, if you intend
to represent Big Creek,
you're gonna have to be enrolled
as a student at Big Creek.
where - dónde
welch - welch
velocity - velocidad
under - debajo
turner - tornero
trigonometry - trigonometría
whatever - lo que sea
three - tres
telling - narración
student - estudiante
spring - primavera
second - segundo
school - colegio
rockets - cohetes
rocket - cohete
right - derecho
report - informe
proves - demuestra
prove - probar
point - punto
represent - representar
obviously - obviamente
number - número
nothing - nada
ahead - adelante
having - teniendo
conclusively - concluyente
himself - él mismo
prodigenous - prodigente
found - encontró
enter - entrar
learned - aprendido
according - conforme
return - regreso
ingenious - ingenioso
already - ya
thirty - treinta
science - ciencia
means - medio
start - comienzo
equals - iguales
cannot - no poder
following - siguiendo
become - volverse
conclude - concluir
field - campo
seconds - segundos
admitted - aceptado
airport - aeropuerto
exactly - exactamente
enrolled - matriculado
equation - ecuación
about - acerca de
place - lugar
office - oficina
another - otro
started - empezado
mines - minas
aeronautical - aeronáutico
altitude - altitud
squared - cuadrado
county - condado
which - cual
constant - constante
expert - experto
miles - millas
flare - llamarada
defend - defender
launchpad - plataforma de lanzamiento
creek - arroyo
gonna - va a
hickam - Hickam
gravity - gravedad
above - encima
loaded - cargado
since - ya que
could - podría
homer - homero
thousand - mil
impressed - impresionado
fourteen - catorce
intend - intentar
leaving - dejando
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