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October Sky - Homer Proves His Innocence (Es)

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    Categoría: Movie Scenes
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    - Why don't you let the boy defend himself?
    - And in the second place...

    this rocket proves nothing.

    You've already admitted having lost
    a number of your rockets.

    You cannot prove conclusively that
    another one of them didn't start that fire.

    Yes, I can.

    Are we to conclude, Mr. Hickam,
    that since leaving school,

    you've not only become
    an expert in rocket science,

    but in the field
    of trigonometry?

    - I didn't say that...
    - Obviously, you learned more...

    in the coal mines
    than you did in high school.

    Let the boy talk.
    Go ahead, Homer.

    And that fire was near Welch, just
    under three miles from our launchpad.

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