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Oh, Boog.
- What's he doing?
- Is he not gonna maul her?
No. She's his mom.
She's taking us home.
I was so worried.
I'm bringing you back with me.
Come on. Let's go home.
Oh, no.
Come on, Boog. Let's go home.
You are home.
I'm so proud of you.
So how are we both
gonna fit in the helicopter?
- She's coming back, right?
- Who?
The shorts lady. Boog?
- Hey, big guy.
- What's up, Tiny?
- What's up?
- You said that we--
- You're judging me?
- How y'all doing?
- Hey, Boog.
- Hi, Boog.
I know he's a duck.
But he treats me like a lady.
- But she's--
- Hey, buddy.
- Hey, find me some food.
- Come on. What is our pickup time?
Elliot, we're staying here.
This is our home.
These are our people.
This is where we reside.
What? Are you insane?
Where have you been
for the last two days?
This place is horrible. Horrible!
- Hey, guys.
- What's up, Ian?
Come on, Elliot. It ain't that bad.
She's at least gonna bring
some Woo Hoo bars, right?
It's just the two of us, Elliot.
Unless you plan
on going back to your herd.
What? And break up the team?
Bros before does.
Yeah. Bros before does.
Hello, Elliot.
Catch you later, Boog.
Hey! Get off my trees,
you buck-toothed sporran!
Feels like home, baby.
Hey, Boog!
- Rabbit fight!
- Oh, no, you didn't.
Oh, yeah? Well, eat rabbit.
Hey, buddy.
unless - a no ser que
trees - árboles
treats - trata
these - estas
taking - tomando
toothed - dentada
shorts - pantalones cortos
right - derecho
reside - residir
proud - orgulloso
place - lugar
pickup - recoger
sporran - Sporran
coming - viniendo
break - descanso
doing - obra
catch - captura
least - menos
elliot - escolha um vídeo para assistir
going - yendo
gonna - va a
where - dónde
horrible - horrible
everybody - todos
bringing - trayendo
staying - quedarse
bring - traer
helicopter - helicóptero
before - antes de
fight - lucha
rabbit - conejo
feels - siente
hello - hola
people - gente
insane - insano
buddy - compañero
judging - juzgar
worried - preocupado
later - luego
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