Aprende el inglés auténtico de libros y películas.
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Comenzar a aprender
- Hey.
- Hi.
- It's good to see you.
- It's so good to see you.
That was kind of
unbelievable act.
How did you do that?
- The play?
- Yeah.
I'm still not sure.
Chloe helped a lot.
She thought it would
make a good play.
Well, that was great.
I mean, like, I would... I did it,
a little bit, it was couple but okay.
But nice, overall, right?
Is it? Start...to begin.
Was that a compliment?
I gave up the passwords
to the ivr.
I'm sure that was
really hard for you.
It's software.
It's hard not seeing you.
I'm sorry em.
I'm changing.
I can't go back to what it was.
I can't. I can't.
Because I can't be in service
to anyone anymore
even if it's for somebody that I love,
because it's not real.
I can't help it but wonder
if it will just be easier to just...
- Try to move on and start over.
- Maybe.
But you don't want to do something
because it's easy anymore.
And neither do I.
You want to come outside
with me for a second?
Anything... with you.
You okay?
would - haría
wonder - preguntarse
thought - pensamiento
still - todavía
start - comienzo
software - software
service - servicio
chloe - chloe
couple - pareja
passwords - contraseñas
changing - cambiando
anymore - nunca más
begin - empezar
somebody - alguien
compliment - cumplido
easier - más fácil
unbelievable - increíble
anyone - nadie
anything - cualquier cosa
because - porque
outside - fuera de
overall - en general
great - estupendo
really - de verdad
neither - ninguno
second - segundo
something - alguna cosa
helped - ayudado
seeing - viendo
little - pequeño
sorry - lo siento
maybe - tal vez
right - derecho
Haz clic en una palabra o selecciona una expresión para ver la traducción
Haz clic en "más" para añadir una palabra/frase para aprender
Utilizamos el Traductor de Google en Speechyard. Por favor, selecciona tu idioma.