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- It's your wife, Father. She's hurt. - Annie?
She was hit by a truck, and she's pinned against a tree.
I don't understand.
As long as the truck has her pinned, she'll stay alive.
I... I still don't get it.
This is your wife.
She broke her wiener?
Look what happens to the taco.
Look, I don't understand all this fancy medical lingo.
I want to see Annie.
She's split in half.
You mean like down-the-middle in half?
At the waist.
You mean this is the last time I can talk to the top half?
The truck is the only thing that is holding her together.
Let's say this is her bottom half.
Can I squeeze in a few minutes with that?
I'm not sure what you mean.
- Let me explain. - Tom. Go to her.
Tom, I'll need a ride home.
Hey, baby. How's it going?
Oh, I'm dying, Tom.
Don't talk like that. The truck barely hit you.
Honey. Kiss me one last time.
Promise me you'll never remarry.
I promise.
And no sex, either.
I'm sorry. I didn't catch that.
No sex.
Honey, you're not speaking clearly.
- Your injuries must be awful. - No sex.
Cruel fate to shroud my wife's dying words in mystery.
- No sex! - Poor Annie.
We hardly knew her.
- She'll be missed terribly. - Oh, Jesus.
That's right, honey. Go into the light.
words - palabras
jesus - Jesús
holding - participación
bottom - fondo
light - ligero
hardly - apenas
happens - sucede
wiener - wiener
thing - cosa
going - yendo
explain - explique
barely - apenas
injuries - lesiones
missed - perdido
either - ya sea
honey - miel
pinned - cubrió
alive - viva
middle - medio
speaking - hablando
awful - horrible
against - en contra
broke - rompió
split - división
father - padre
annie - annie
squeeze - exprimir
cruel - cruel
still - todavía
promise - promesa
catch - captura
fancy - lujoso
lingo - jerga
dying - moribundo
medical - médico
right - derecho
minutes - minutos
mystery - misterio
clearly - claramente
never - nunca
truck - camión
remarry - volver a casarse
shroud - sudario
waist - cintura
sorry - lo siento
terribly - terriblemente
together - juntos
understand - entender
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