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Pronunciación en inglés de me


Ejemplos tomados de películas con Me

You're speaking with me, Mr. Sullivan.
Margin Call - The Music Stops
Sir, I'm not sure that I would put it that way. But let me clarify.
Margin Call - The Music Stops
Let me tell you something, Mr. Sullivan.
Margin Call - The Music Stops
He told me Boyd Aviation took out a large insurance policy on him.
Fletch - Bend Over, Mr. Babar
They fired me. Fuck them. Fuck them.
Margin Call - A Bridge
Well, you're a better man than me.
Margin Call - A Bridge
Can you tell me for certain that if we came out in the open,
Hotel Transylvania - The Legend of Lady Lubov
But I don't think she actually recognized me until the Reaping.
The Hunger Games - Star-Crossed Lovers
Thanks, but I... I don't think winning's gonna help me at all.
The Hunger Games - Star-Crossed Lovers
You don't talk to me, and then you say you have a crush on me?
The Hunger Games - Star-Crossed Lovers
- Look at me. - Not everything is about you.
The Danish Girl - I Need My Husband
Just unplug whatever it is keepin' me alive and end this nightmare.
RoboCop - End This Nightmare
Which as a doctor would almost be impossible for me,
RoboCop - End This Nightmare
You didn't have to walk all the way here to tell me that.
The Best Man Holiday - Jordan's New Boyfriend
The family understands. If it's important to you, it's important to me.
The Best Man Holiday - Jordan's New Boyfriend
Seeing the three of you like that does give me this little twinge
Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle - Sorry, Charlie
Excuse me, but what do we... what do we need this for in Libya?
Zero Dark Thirty - Kill Him For Me

Pronunciación de Me

Pronunciación americana

Me pronunciado por Ivy (niño, chica)
Me pronunciado por Joanna (mujer)
Me pronunciado por Kendra (mujer)
Me pronunciado por Kimberly (mujer)
Me pronunciado por Salli (mujer)
Me pronunciado por Joey (hombre)
Me pronunciado por Justin (niño, chico)
Me pronunciado por Matthew (hombre)

Pronunciación británica

Me pronunciado por Amy (mujer)
Me pronunciado por Emma (mujer)
Me pronunciado por Brian (hombre)