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Pronunciación en inglés de so

asi que
  • así
  • tan
  • tanto
  • de esta manera
  • de este modo
  • por tanto
  • por consiguiente

Ejemplos tomados de películas con So

So... what about the most precious gift of all?
Teeth - The Promise
I mean, really, what's so great about skating, anyway?
Blades of Glory - Ice Blows
- Yes. Sorry. - So, what, you don't want my decision?
Lions for Lambs - Malley on Adulthood
So, yes, I... I know that love is unconditional.
Stardust - I Know a Lot About Love
So I got it wrong, baby. I mean,
Life of Crime - A New Plan
But they did get those first 5 points, so they're up to 20 points.
Spare Parts - The Competition Begins
But it was so accidental, it doesn't even qualify as...
Sex Tape - Who Else Has These Things?
So say goodbye, hang up and then come right away.
Sex Tape - Who Else Has These Things?
I've been so immersed in preparing to play Marion,
Hitchcock - Only Suggesting Nudity
It's only that, well, from here up, I'm not exactly boyish, so...
Hitchcock - Only Suggesting Nudity
I thought I was having my wrist slapped, but now I'm not so sure.
The Bourne Legacy - We're Done Talking
I know nobody's listening. So come on, you've got to give me something.
The Bourne Legacy - We're Done Talking
It's not physical, with the way you've been moving, so what did you do?
The Bourne Legacy - We're Done Talking
So I'm thinking, how many more children have to die?
Child 44 - Blood On Our Hands
...we thank you so much for this bountiful harvest of Domino's, KFC...
Talladega Nights - Dear Lord Baby Jesus
I want you to do this grace good, so that God will let us win tomorrow.
Talladega Nights - Dear Lord Baby Jesus
Because I like to party, so I like my Jesus to party.
Talladega Nights - Dear Lord Baby Jesus
But after a while his losses became so ridiculous,
The Pink Panther - Big Brass Balls
- It was a stupid thing. I'm so sorry. - You make me sick, you fucking slut.
The Last Kiss - Lying About Cheating

Pronunciación de So

Pronunciación americana

So pronunciado por Ivy (niño, chica)
So pronunciado por Joanna (mujer)
So pronunciado por Kendra (mujer)
So pronunciado por Kimberly (mujer)
So pronunciado por Salli (mujer)
So pronunciado por Joey (hombre)
So pronunciado por Justin (niño, chico)
So pronunciado por Matthew (hombre)

Pronunciación británica

So pronunciado por Amy (mujer)
So pronunciado por Emma (mujer)
So pronunciado por Brian (hombre)