Film ve kitaplardan gerçek İngilizce'yi öğrenin.

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İngilizce Relative clauses alıştırması

Videoya geri dön
  • Phrase 1/25

    Its the thing whichwherewhat you use to clean your car

  • Phrase 2/25

    Thats the house thatwhichwhere I grew up

  • Phrase 3/25

    Shes the woman whosewhowhich ate my cake!

  • Phrase 4/25

    They are the children whosewhichwho father only wears black

  • Phrase 5/25

    I remember 1994 as the year whenwhichwhere I was the happiest

  • Phrase 6/25

    Lets meet at the restaurant whenthatwho we went to last Wednesday

  • Phrase 7/25

    I think he went to the park wherewhenwhich he always plays football

  • Phrase 8/25

    It is the car, whowhichthat I bought for my son, with the bad lights

  • Phrase 9/25

    WhereWhichThat is better: strawberry or chocolate ice cream?

  • Phrase 10/25

    And over here you can see the house thatwhichwhere the famous scientist lived

  • Phrase 11/25

    Christmas, whichwhenwhere people buy lots of gifts for each other, is celebrated on the 25th December

  • Phrase 12/25

    WhoseWhoWhich shoes are these? His or hers?

  • Phrase 13/25

    Work is the reason whywhichwhen I get up in the morning

  • Phrase 14/25

    The book, whichwhosewhere characters are very interesting, hasnt sold many copies

  • Phrase 15/25

    1939, wherewhenwhich the Second World War started for some companies, was not a good year

  • Phrase 16/25

    He is the man whenwhosethat fixes my computer when it breaks

  • Phrase 17/25

    The evening is wherewhichwhen I like to relax

  • Phrase 18/25

    This is the restaurant wherewhosewhich sandwiches I enjoy the most

  • Phrase 19/25

    The sofa, wherewhowhich I sleep sometimes, is in the living room

  • Phrase 20/25

    The bed, thatwherewhich I sleep on, is old

  • Phrase 21/25

    Its the movie whichwhenwhere I always watch when Im sad

  • Phrase 22/25

    This is the time wherewhenwhich everyone gets annoyed with each other

  • Phrase 23/25

    They are the band whosewhowhere played here 2 years ago

  • Phrase 24/25

    Its the kind of city thatwhowhere anyone could love

  • Phrase 25/25

    The beach is wherewhowhen I like to go when its sunny