How to stay paralyzed by fear of abandonment
How to defer to men in solveable predicaments
How to control someone to be a carbon copy of you
How to have that not work and have them run away from you
How to keep people at arms length and never get too close
How to mistrust the ones who supposedly love the most
How to pretend you're fine and don't need help from anyone
How to feel worthless unless you're serving or helping someone
I'll teach you all this in 8 easy steps
yourself - kendin
years - Yıl
women - kadınlar
within - içinde
whole - bütün
versed - usta
unless - olmadıkça
tought - tought
thinking - düşünme
thereby - böylece
supposedly - güya
supposed - sözde
steps - adımlar
sabotage - sabotaj
helping - yardım ediyor
training - eğitim
chorus - koro
fantasies - fanteziler
feminist - feminist
killing - öldürme
stuck - sıkışmış
forget - unutmak
hypocrite - iki yüzlü
blaming - suçlama
culminating - doruğa
avoid - önlemek
serving - servis
control - kontrol
moment - an
practicing - alıştırma yapmak
before - önce
abandonment - terk
research - Araştırma
teach - öğretmek
someone - Birisi
defer - ertelemek
pious - dindar
worthless - değersiz
doing - iş
leader - lider
length - uzunluk
lifetime - ömür
swear - yemin etmek
everyone - Herkes
really - gerçekten mi
close - kapat
looks - görünüyor
mistrust - güvensizlik
never - asla
fears - endişe
carbon - Karbon
paralyzed - felçli
going - gidiş
smiling - gülümseyen
course - kurs
people - insanlar
player - oyuncu
everything - her şey
pretend - taklit
anyone - kimse
success - başarı
spiritualist - cinci
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