Little tramp comin' up the strip with a hundred dollar smile

Sparks flyin' off her fingertips, drive the young cop wild

Some nights are wound so tight like a storm about to break

Better stand in your doorway when everything starts to shake

You get restless like a cat waking up at midnight,

Hungry, never quite satisfied


This is our world and these are our times

This is our world and these are our times

Little brother like a street god with a drop dead attitude

Say he's looking like a shadow now, runnin' low on green and food

Some lives are wound up tight like a wave about to crash

wired - telli
while - süre
waking - uyanık
times - zamanlar
tight - sıkı
these - bunlar
strip - şerit
street - sokak
flame - alev
everything - her şey
world - Dünya
dream - rüya
chorus - koro
dollar - dolar
desperate - umutsuz
quite - oldukça
crawling - emekleme
multiply - çarpmak
storm - fırtına
brother - erkek kardeş
black - siyah
about - hakkında
bottle - şişe
fingertips - parmak uçları
satisfied - memnun
drive - sürücü
doorway - kapı aralığı
history - tarih
attitude - tutum
purple - mor
bound - ciltli
break - kırılma
green - yeşil
wound - yara
crash - kaza
better - Daha iyi
lives - hayatları
child - çocuk
young - genç
never - asla
heart - kalp
hundred - yüz
midnight - gece yarısı
restless - huzursuz
tramp - serseri
little - küçük
nights - gece
hungry - aç
looking - seyir
rebel - asi
shadow - gölge
dynamite - dinamit
stand - durmak
shake - sallamak
chain - zincir
starts - başlar
nightmare - kâbus
smile - gülümseme
sparks - kıvılcımlar

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