Did you feel my love?

Did you feel it rain?

Did I touch your soul or was it all in vain?

Be careful of your ego my friend

I feel it's your worse disease.

And be careful of that solitude

you so desperately need.

Oh my love the time we spent

flying and flying everywhere we went.

I was like a butterfly who had just found wings.

touch - dokunma
solitude - yalnızlık
simple - Basit
standing - ayakta
seems - görünüyor
place - yer
desperate - umutsuz
butterfly - kelebek
worse - daha da kötüsü
desperately - umutsuzca
friend - arkadaş
control - kontrol
caught - yakalandı
another - bir diğeri
spent - harcanmış
laughter - kahkaha
disappeared - kayboldu
everywhere - her yerde
careful - dikkatli
between - arasında
disease - hastalık
going - gidiş
dream - rüya
faded - solmuş
finally - en sonunda
flying - uçan
worst - en kötü
wings - kanatlar
spinning - döndürme
circles - çevreler
found - bulunan
middle - orta

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