I am letting the telephone ring
Cause I don't want to know why
I don't want to hear you explain
I don't want to hear you cry
I have written so much about you
So much I thought I knew
Words like water used to flow
Now what could I possibly have to say?
She is someone I don't even know
And all the things that you've given to me
I see now were simply reparations
They were gifts of your guilt
They were my preparation
I know I should be mature
words - kelimeler
wondering - merak ediyor
things - eşyalar
still - yine
written - yazılı
someone - Birisi
touch - dokunma
simply - basitçe
reparations - tazminat
vicariously - dolaylı
remember - hatırlamak
wrong - Yanlış
reason - neden
questions - sorular
always - Her zaman
about - hakkında
hiding - gizleme
explain - açıklamak
compared - karşılaştırıldığında
cause - sebeb olmak
believe - inanmak
water - su
given - verilmiş
telephone - telefon
floor - Zemin
gifts - hediyeler
capable - yetenekli
important - önemli
should - meli
anymore - Artık
letting - icar
guilt - suç
mature - olgun
bring - getirmek
myself - kendim
could - could
naive - saf
thought - düşünce
possibly - belki
pretended - sahte
preparation - hazırlık
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