Another lonely name etched in the stone

On a wall, in a cell, with a prisoners bone

As the night drags its fingers over our eyes

So too do my fingers trace these outlines

Lights out, lights out

And the concrete slowly works its way

Into a man's heart

Real world rules - no missing evidence

Real world rules - no prison break

Real world rules - no tunnels to freedom

Innocence was here

Innocence was here

Someone else's fail has cost your life

What happens now when the doors have slammed shut?

Lights out, lights out

Till we think only with barbed wire brain cells

And dream only of some long ago life

works - eserleri
voices - sesleri
violent - şiddetli
tunnels - tüneller
traced - takip
trace - iz
think - düşünmek
these - bunlar
innocence - saflık
night - gece
initials - baş harfleri
slammed - çarptı
etched - kazınmış
begin - başla
shredded - kıyılmış
escape - kaçış
freedom - özgürlük
carved - oyulmuş
evidence - kanıt
killers - katiller
drags - sürükler
barbed - dikenli
peaceful - huzurlu
brain - Beyin
concrete - beton
another - bir diğeri
natural - doğal
cells - Hücreler
break - kırılma
happens - olur
fingers - parmaklar
doors - kapılar
lament - ağıt
innocent - masum
screamers - Çığlıkçılar
lights - ışıklar
lonely - yalnız
missing - Eksik
mistake - hata
their - onların
outlines - ana hatlar
slowly - yavaşça
sleep - uyku
along - uzun bir
prison - hapis
prisoners - mahkumlar
world - Dünya
dream - rüya
stone - taş
regret - pişmanlık
heart - kalp
rules - kurallar
somebody - birisi
someone - Birisi
there - Orada

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