Just a sound - more than loud

And a beat that knocked me out

One guitar - rebel yell

Don't want heaven - I want hell!

1989 was the time

to draw the line

Inside the metal zone

the family has grown

together - Birlikte
sound - ses
shake - sallamak
forever - sonsuza dek
brother - erkek kardeş
family - Aile
chorus - koro
world - Dünya
brotherhood - kardeşlik
stick - çubuk
rebel - asi
death - ölüm
against - karşısında
around - etrafında
sister - kız kardeş
fight - kavga
battle - savaş
friends - arkadaşlar
grown - yetişkin
heaven - cennet
guitar - gitar
knocked - çaldı
inside - içeride
hands - eller
haters - nefret edenler
heavy - ağır
metal - metal
liars - yalancılar

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