Sweet little girl, with nothing to say

She hides in the smile she wears on her face

The secrets of her, the family keeps

The secrets of him that blacken the sheep

She shakes at the sound of jingling keys

The man that she loves, the violent disease

'Cause when he's around, there's nothing to hide

She makes no sound as she swallows her pride

Daddy only comes when he's ready for more

She waits on the floor

She watches the door

And daddy only comes when he's begging for more

And just like before

He opens the door

Weigh your heart against my eyes

(Are you sober now, is it over?)

Weigh your heart against my eyes

(She'll be so let down when she's older)

Play her father when she cries

(Now she's so messed up, and she says-)

All I want is

Now he returns, like every time

With rum on his breath, and her on his mind

There's no one around to witness the crime

A scream won't sound past the property line

The man that she loves, the wicked offense

wicked - kötü
wears - giyer
watches - saatler
waits - bekler
violent - şiddetli
throat - boğaz
witness - Tanık
terrible - korkunç
sweet - tatlı
swallows - frak
suppresses - bastırır
sound - ses
smothers - boğularak ölür
sheep - koyun
shakes - sarsıntı
seeing - görme
secrets - sırlar
scream - çığlık
stretching - germe
scars - yara izleri
ready - hazır
returns - döner
disease - hastalık
attention - dikkat
alone - yalnız
smile - gülümseme
comes - geliyor
makes - markaları
night - gece
clothes - çamaşırlar
hospital - hastane
keeps - tutar
weigh - tartmak
blacken - lekelemek
cries - çığlıkları
older - daha eski
creeps - sürüngenler
around - etrafında
against - karşısında
clenching - kenetlenmesi
offense - suç
daddy - baba
crime - suç
breath - nefes
close - kapat
hands - eller
before - önce
begging - dilenme
smaller - Daha küçük
heart - kalp
stopped - durduruldu
bigger - daha büyük
begged - yalvardım
disguised - gizlenmiş
emotion - duygu
because - Çünkü
every - proszę uważać
hides - gizler
angry - kızgın
father - baba
loves - sever
feels - hissediyor
takes - alır
floor - Zemin
property - özellik
holding - tutma
gives - verir
jingling - çıngırtısından
sober - ölçülü
daughter - kız evlat
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
pride - gurur
family - Aile
little - küçük
opens - açılan
messed - haberci

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