It’s hard for me to say what I want from

You I have had 22 years of

Trying to form the words that somehow

Might mean I am feeling

So many colors in this distraction

Brown hair makes her lips more red

Words would not describe what I’m seeing

I try to hold my tongue, but it’s useless

She makes my heart scream color

I know by now she should have found me out

years - Yıl
would - olur
words - kelimeler
useless - yararsız
tongue - dil
though - gerçi
speak - konuşmak
somehow - bir şekilde
smile - gülümseme
should - meli
every - proszę uważać
distraction - oyalama
exhausted - yorgun
hears - duyar
describe - tanımlamak
heart - kalp
communicate - iletişim kurmak
whitest - en beyaz
waiting - bekleme
coming - gelecek
trying - çalışıyor
feeling - duygu
colors - renkler
brown - kahverengi
color - renk
might - belki
always - Her zaman
makes - markaları
knows - bilir
found - bulunan
noise - gürültü
scream - çığlık
screaming - bağıran
seeing - görme
sense - duyu

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