I never thought that you would love me the way that you do.

I never thought that you would love me half as much as I do.

You say you wanna know everything about me - well here you go,

You say you couldn't live your life without me, I don't know.

But if you want it girl, you've got it;

it's all right here, in my box set.

I never thought that words like product could ever leave my lips,

but something happened to me somewhere that made me lose my grip.

Maybe it's a lack of inspiration that makes me stoop,

or maybe it's a lack of remuneration; I can't recoup.

But if you want it folks, you got it;

it's all right here in my box set.

Disc One

It's where we've begun, it's all of greatest hits,

and if you are a fan then you know that you've already got 'em.

Disc Two

It was all brand new, an album's worth of songs,

but we had to leave the whole disc blank 'cause

some other label bought 'em.

Disc Three

This is really me in a grade school play;

would - olur
worth - değer
words - kelimeler
wonder - merak etmek
without - olmadan
trend - akım
touch - dokunma
taste - damak zevki
stupid - aptal
stoop - eğilmek
station - istasyon
songs - şarkılar
somewhere - bir yerde
something - bir şey
someone - Birisi
seems - görünüyor
scratch - çizik
right - Sağ
remuneration - ücret
thousand - bin
should - meli
released - yayınlandı
there - Orada
school - okul
recorded - kaydedilmiş
really - gerçekten mi
wanna - istiyorum
radio - radyo
product - Ürün
special - özel
oldies - oldies
number - numara
people - insanlar
course - kurs
crowd - kalabalık
coughing - öksürme
recoup - karşılamak
alive - canlı
bought - satın
catch - yakalamak
where - nerede
blank - boş
could - could
begun - başladı
forgot - unuttum
computer - bilgisayar
whole - bütün
bathroom - banyo
other - diğer
about - hakkında
brand - marka
again - Tekrar
cleanser - temizlikçi
sellout - kapalı gişe
alright - peki
crying - ağlayan
compilation - derleme
dance - dans
inspiration - ilham
basement - bodrum kat
always - Her zaman
night - gece
change - değişiklik
makes - markaları
before - önce
thought - düşünce
greed - hırs
demos - demolar
label - etiket
three - üç
success - başarı
single - Tek
remix - remix
enjoy - keyfini çıkarın
leave - ayrılmak
lines - hatlar
every - proszę uważać
everything - her şey
folks - arkadaşlar
replacement - değiştirme
friends - arkadaşlar
grade - sınıf
regretful - pişman
holler - bağırmak
greatest - en büyük
barely - zar zor
happened - olmuş
wondering - merak ediyor
already - zaten
hundred - yüz
latest - son
maybe - olabilir
never - asla

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