I wish there was another year another time.

When people sang and poems rhymed.

My name could be Napoleon.

A thousand ships.

A windy sail, so huge and high it's tall enough to touch the sky.

It's beautiful but hard to find.

But I just wasn't born in time.

Walking back to Waterloo again.

windy - rüzgarlı
where - nerede
trust - güven
waterloo - waterloo
touch - dokunma
thousand - bin
there - Orada
trees - ağaçlar
street - sokak
ships - gemiler
right - Sağ
grass - çimen
based - merkezli
things - eşyalar
napoleon - Napolyon
enough - yeterli
meadows - çayırlar
wrong - Yanlış
dream - rüya
walking - yürüme
still - yine
again - Tekrar
brand - marka
pressured - Basınçlı
queen - Kraliçe
begin - başla
another - bir diğeri
beautiful - güzel
green - yeşil
growing - büyüyen
means - anlamına geliyor
never - asla
could - could
rhymed - kafiyeli
poems - şiirler
people - insanlar
place - yer

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