I couldn't figure why
You couldn't give me what everybody needs
I shouldn't let you kick me when I'm down
My baby
I find out everybody know that
You've been using me
I'm surprised you
Let me stay around you
One day I'm gonna lift the cover
And look inside your heart
We gotta level before we go
And tear this love apart
There's no fight you can't fight
This battle of love with me
using - kullanma
through - vasitasiyla
there - Orada
swear - yemin etmek
shake - sallamak
nobody - kimse
taking - alma
needs - ihtiyaçlar
surprised - şaşırmış
stops - durak
inside - içeride
heart - kalp
greatest - en büyük
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
break - kırılma
never - asla
beware - dikkat
better - Daha iyi
figure - şekil
anybody - kimse
before - önce
fight - kavga
battle - savaş
other - diğer
compete - yarışmak
gotta - lazım
around - etrafında
everybody - Herkes
little - küçük
level - seviye
could - could
sides - taraf
defenses - savunmaları
cover - kapak
earth - toprak
again - Tekrar
following - takip etme
fortress - kale
apart - ayrı
aside - bir kenara
gonna - olacak
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