Abandon hope

All (ye) who enter me…

Let the part

Of this noble body will be

A lid of your sudden sarcophagi

He would applaud

If he had the hands

And he would waltz

If he had the limbs

But he only grins

«You are as unwholesome as me»

Thus the mactation

Convoked them –

Doughy, bleating, dying

Another light

Anon shall rise

For uninhumed vain

And malign eyes

waltz - vals
under - altında
through - vasitasiyla
unwholesome - zararlı
those - bu
heart - kalp
hands - eller
grins - sırıtır
grave - mezar
enter - girmek
embrace - kucaklamak
ghost - hayalet
abandon - terketmek
earth - toprak
forever - sonsuza dek
where - nerede
dressed - giyinmiş
shall - -acak
hopelessly - umutsuzca
light - ışık
noble - asil
ardour - şevk
bleating - meleme
dying - ölen
doughy - hamur gibi
place - yer
another - bir diğeri
leave - ayrılmak
bringing - getiren
return - dönüş
comfort - konfor
applaud - alkışlamak
pageant - geçit alayı
stygian - stygian
knife - bıçak
limbs - uzuvlar
magna - magna
mater - anne
parade - geçit töreni
arcades - oyun salonları
profound - derin
would - olur
sudden - ani
plunge - dalma
nothingness - hiçlik
putrid - kokuşmuş
ripped - sökülmüş
blade - bıçak ağzı
malign - habis
ritual - ayin
night - gece
sarcophagi - lahitler
there - Orada

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