Before YouTube I walked through life,
And now I frolic.
YouTube's been like a father to me,
Except YouTube's not an alcoholic.
Before YouTube, I was just a skinny white kid,
That thought he was funnier and cooler then he actually was.
And now... well, not much has changed but I have a shit-load of money.
Cause YouTube is a place for people to share their ideas.
If by 'people' you mean 13 year old girls,
And by 'ideas' you mean how they love the Jonas Brothers,
I'm just kidding, but let's be honest that's a hefty majority.
And if you don't believe me, well, then you must be a noob.
So welcome to YouTube.
And you don't know what your missing, a-just try searching women kissing,
It's YouTube, it's just what this country's been needing,
A generation of kids who don't waste their time reading.
Am I the only one who thinks that Lisa Nova's hot,
And Chris Crocker's not. No...
He's hotter.
Most of the best YouTubers are either Asian or they're gay,
youtube - youtube
years - Yıl
impact - darbe
hotter - sıcak
carolina - carolina
hello - merhaba
gotta - lazım
reading - okuma
girls - kızlar
funnier - komik
think - düşünmek
frolic - eğlence
video - video
generation - nesil
father - baba
either - ya
except - dışında
friends - arkadaşlar
kissing - öpüşmek
missing - Eksik
drunk - sarhoş
goodbye - güle güle
hefty - ağır
approval - onay
alcoholic - alkollü
evident - belirgin
barack - barack
south - güney
babies - bebekler
honest - Dürüst
appeal - temyiz
unicorn - tek boynuzlu at
ideas - fikirler
voice - Ses
changed - değişmiş
needing - gerek
finger - parmak
cooler - soğutucu
because - Çünkü
before - önce
chocolate - çikolata
charlie - charlie
george - George
meant - demek
actually - aslında
going - gidiş
black - siyah
brothers - kardeşler
election - seçim
laughing - gülme
thinks - düşünüyor
college - kolej
asian - asya
upload - yüklemek
intrusive - davetsiz
celebrity - şöhret
their - onların
change - değişiklik
chris - chris
jiffy - lahza
listen - dinlemek
majority - çoğunluk
favorite - sevdiğim
videotaping - videoya
money - para
cause - sebeb olmak
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
obama - obama
party - parti
never - asla
people - insanlar
privatized - Özelleştirilen
anyone - kimse
kidding - dalga geçmek
place - yer
scholarship - burs
searching - arama
share - pay
showed - gösterdi
youtubers - youtubers
skinny - sıska
believe - inanmak
jonas - jonas
parents - ebeveyn
walked - yürüdü
someone - Birisi
sorry - afedersiniz
stain - leke
thought - düşünce
through - vasitasiyla
linger - uzamak
untapped - kullanılmayan
until - a kadar
waste - atık
videos - videolar
president - devlet başkanı
welcome - hoşgeldiniz
white - beyaz
women - kadınlar
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