“Oh, help me in my weakness”

I heard the drifter say

As they carried him from the courtroom

And were taking him away

“My trip hasn’t been a pleasant one

And my time it isn’t long

And I still do not know

What it was that I’ve done wrong”

Well, the judge, he cast his robe aside

while - süre
understand - anlama
trial - deneme
taking - alma
struck - vurdu
stirring - karıştırma
still - yine
cursed - lanetli
weakness - zayıflık
cried - ağladım
wrong - Yanlış
courtroom - mahkeme salonu
crowd - kalabalık
judge - hakim
outside - dışında
knelt - çalmak
courthouse - adliye
aside - bir kenara
nurse - hemşire
worse - daha da kötüsü
carried - taşınan
could - could
times - zamanlar
drifter - avare
enough - yeterli
heard - duymuş
inside - içeride
shape - şekil
lightning - şimşek
attendant - görevli
escape - kaçış
pleasant - hoş
stepping - adım

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