Listen to that Duquesne whistle blowing
Blowing like it's gonna sweep my world away
I'm gonna stop in Carbondale and keep on going
That Duquesne train gonna ride me night and day
You say I'm a gambler, you say I'm a pimp
But I ain't neither one
Listen to that Duquesne whistle blowing
Sounding like it's on a final move.
Listen to that Duquesne whistle blowing
Blowing like she's never blown before
Look like blinking, red light blowing
Blowing like she's at my chamber door
You smiling through the fence at me
Just like you always smiled before
Listen to that Duquesne whistle blowing
Blowing like she isn't gonna blow no more
world - Dünya
wondered - merak
wonder - merak etmek
woman - kadın
voice - Ses
train - Tren
through - vasitasiyla
thing - şey
there - Orada
telling - söylüyorum
sweet - tatlı
sweep - süpürme
final - nihai
chamber - bölme
exactly - kesinlikle
board - yazı tahtası
blowing - üfleme
standing - ayakta
duquesne - duquesne
apart - ayrı
gonna - olacak
bound - ciltli
alive - canlı
everybody - Herkes
around - etrafında
blues - hüzün
before - önce
break - kırılma
calling - çağrı
whistle - ıslık
listen - dinlemek
keeps - tutar
another - bir diğeri
leave - ayrılmak
fence - çit
blinking - göz kırpma
always - Her zaman
night - gece
blown - şişmiş
gambler - kumarbaz
gently - nazikçe
glowing - parıltılı
light - ışık
mother - anne
morning - sabah
every - proszę uważać
myself - kendim
where - nerede
native - yerli
neither - ne
never - asla
still - yine
lights - ışıklar
right - Sağ
rascal - kerata
smiled - GÜLÜMSEDİ
going - gidiş
climb - tırmanış
sounding - sondaj
smiling - gülümseyen
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