Seen a shooting star tonight

And I thought of you

You were trying to break into another world

A world I never knew

I always kind of wondered if you ever made it through

Seen a shooting star tonight

And I thought of you.

Seen a shooting star tonight

And I thought of me

world - Dünya
trying - çalışıyor
thought - düşünce
things - eşyalar
through - vasitasiyla
temptation - ayartma
always - Her zaman
tomorrow - Yarın
listen - dinlemek
engine - motor
account - hesap
wanted - aranan
guess - tahmin
break - kırılma
overstep - aşmak
wondered - merak
radio - radyo
another - bir diğeri
needed - gerekli
tonight - Bu gece
became - oldu
mount - dağ
could - could
people - insanlar
playing - oynama
truck - kamyon
never - asla
sermon - vaaz
praying - dua eden
shooting - çekim
might - belki
rolling - yuvarlanan
still - yine

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