Brother to brother
Now we must join our hearts and hands
Yeah, if we love one another
We hold the key to the promised land
Think of all that we've been through
The shucks and jives and royal blues
Let us pray our time will come
When this world will live as one
Brother to brother
wrong - Yanlış
world - Dünya
whole - bütün
where - nerede
shucks - saçma
royal - royal
common - Ortak
jives - jives
another - bir diğeri
lines - hatlar
think - düşünmek
ground - Zemin
devil - şeytan
round - yuvarlak
butter - tereyağı
promised - söz
brother - erkek kardeş
blues - hüzün
break - kırılma
children - çocuklar
fathers - babalar
makes - markaları
bread - ekmek
hands - eller
lives - hayatları
through - vasitasiyla
mothers - anneler
drawn - çekilmiş
hearts - kalpler
peace - barış
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