Yeah, Yeah

[Verse 1]

What you got if you ain't got love

the kind that you just want to give away

It's okay to open up

go ahead and let the light shine through

I know it's hard on a rainy day

you want to shut the world out and just be left alone

But don't run out on your faith


'Cause sometimes that mountain you've been climbing is just a grain of sand

What you've been up there searching for

forever is in your hands

When you figure out love is all that matters after all

It sure makes everything else

seem so small

worrying - endişe verici
world - Dünya
through - vasitasiyla
while - süre
thinking - düşünme
there - Orada
swallows - frak
shine - parlaklık
seems - görünüyor
problem - Sorun
climbing - tırmanma
searching - arama
change - değişiklik
faith - inanç
small - küçük
around - etrafında
moving - hareketli
about - hakkında
verse - ayet
better - Daha iyi
whole - bütün
ahead - önde
after - sonra
wrong - Yanlış
thats - şu
river - Nehir
rainy - yağmurlu
chorus - koro
everything - her şey
figure - şekil
forever - sonsuza dek
sometimes - ara sıra
mountain - dağ
inside - içeride
hands - eller
things - eşyalar
flying - uçan
alone - yalnız
light - ışık
grain - tahıl
makes - markaları
count - saymak
matters - hususlar

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