Inside my mouth i can hear all the voices say

do not lean over the ledge

i shouldn't look down and i shouldn't have found

that your lips i still taste in my head

raising my glass to the head of the class

as she powers out steps one through ten

i think i'll be fine if i'm covered in wine

nice to hate you and love you again

and see you again

and see you again

weary and worn little monster is born

tell me lies and i'll justify them

desperate today and it's making me pay

for that night for that kiss for your bed

whoever dared to love someone out there

i don't need a balloon and a pin

whoever - her kim
weighs - ağırlığındadır
through - vasitasiyla
think - düşünmek
right - Sağ
raising - yükselen
there - Orada
taste - damak zevki
powers - güçler
outrunning - ekme
night - gece
mouth - ağız
fifty - elli
goodbye - güle güle
voices - sesleri
desperate - umutsuz
ledge - çıkıntı
balloon - balon
monster - canavar
crying - ağlayan
covered - kapalı
class - sınıf
still - yine
again - Tekrar
weary - yorgun
better - Daha iyi
today - bugün
justify - haklı çıkarmak
blame - suçlama
friends - arkadaşlar
little - küçük
other - diğer
found - bulunan
steps - adımlar
making - yapma
glass - bardak
dared - cesaret
guess - tahmin
inside - içeride
hands - eller
someone - Birisi
hello - merhaba

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