I can quote a lot of lines

That's pertinent to you and me

Life and all it's many choices

Are so funny and so mean

Deep thoughts in one's convictions

Can be someones discontent

Just what it seems isn't

If must needs the devil drives

Soul searcher what are you looking for

write - yazmak
thoughts - düşünceler
someones - birilerinin
settle - yerleşmek
seems - görünüyor
searcher - araştırmacı
discontent - hoşnutsuzluk
pertinent - ilgili
philosophical - felsefi
people - insanlar
could - could
alone - yalnız
lines - hatlar
needs - ihtiyaçlar
convictions - mahkumiyet
pages - sayfalar
looking - seyir
devil - şeytan
choices - seçimler
funny - komik
quote - alıntı
beginning - başlangıç
alive - canlı
their - onların
bible - kutsal kitap
future - gelecek
giver - verici
drives - sürücüler
minds - zihinler

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