"there's no place for me."

a man of nowhere,

a man of black heart

from the dead end streets.

"regret runs through me.

i am no one, i am nothing,

i am a man of defeat. what's left for me?

whats left for me?"

he thought of those open roads,

his mother praying alone,

that vagrant anthem and the field sung hymns,

the cowardice forever following him.

"what's left, what's left for me?

the world has turned it's back on me.

there's no place for me."

a sullen walk to the chapel stairs.

wicked - kötü
white - beyaz
western - batı
vagrant - serseri
unwanted - istenmeyen
under - altında
turned - dönük
through - vasitasiyla
thought - düşünce
those - bu
steeple - çan kulesi
cowardice - korkaklık
defeat - yenilgi
blessed - mübarek
clasp - toka
chapel - tapınak
father - baba
horrible - korkunç
alone - yalnız
begins - başlar
could - could
count - saymak
fleet - filo
whats - neyin
brass - pirinç
heart - kalp
field - alan
fears - endişe
sermon - vaaz
following - takip etme
anthem - marş
absolution - günahların bağışlanması
nowhere - hiçbir yerde
carves - carves
hymns - ilahiler
black - siyah
brother - erkek kardeş
brings - getiriyor
forgiven - affedildi
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
hands - eller
killed - öldürdü
changed - değişmiş
streets - sokaklar
mother - anne
kneel - diz çökmek
place - yer
sullen - suratsız
forever - sonsuza dek
judgment - yargı
praying - dua eden
found - bulunan
redeemed - itfa
rings - halkalar
roads - yollar
world - Dünya
regret - pişmanlık
stairs - merdivenler

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