January, 1962
He awoke in a cold sweat
to those old sounds of heartbreak.
his brother at his side screaming
"this isn't your fight".
but that rush took over his head
and he came to his mother's side.
and he found himself alone with that devil rambling.
"oh, well the money's all gone
and she can't pay the rent with that needle in her arm."
he clenched his fists.
"what did she ever do to you,
but raise us by herself
when you were too drunk to come through?"
years - Yıl
washed - yıkandı
wanted - aranan
unpaid - ödenmemiş
trading - ticari
tombstone - mezar taşı
those - bu
swing - salıncak
stepped - basamaklı
through - vasitasiyla
sounds - sesleri
drunk - sarhoş
debts - borçlar
night - gece
cried - ağladım
father - baba
expect - beklemek
kissed - öptü
brother - erkek kardeş
needle - iğne
blood - kan
another - bir diğeri
caught - yakalandı
heartbreak - keder
counter - sayaç
again - Tekrar
empty - Boş
january - ocak
nerve - sinir
alone - yalnız
thing - şey
across - karşısında
awoke - uyandı
fists - yumruk
blows - darbeler
fight - kavga
breath - nefes
boiled - haşlanmış
bookies - bahisçiler
forgiver - affedici
clenched - sıkılı
found - bulunan
devil - şeytan
friend - arkadaş
spiteful - kindar
gambling - kumar
stare - bakıyorum
grabbed - yakaladı
rambling - başıboş
hands - eller
raise - yükseltmek
herself - kendini
sweat - ter
least - en az
mother - anne
never - asla
himself - kendisi
screaming - bağıran
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