The moon is like a boat, my love
Of lemon peel afloat, my love
And with a sail of gauze, my love
She seems to slightly pause
Upon her silent way, all on her silent way.
I see her pearly decks, my love
Set in with twinkling specks, my love
I see her pearly mast, my love
Far from her seashell past
And gently does she sway, all on her starry way.
Of silk they have been spun, my love
Her ropes that limply run, my love
Down to her carved prow, my love
Down to her mermaid prow
And softly does she sway, all on her starry way.
though - gerçi
their - onların
starry - yıldızlı
spheres - küreleri
specks - benekler
softly - usulca
ships - gemiler
ropes - halatlar
smile - gülümseme
flowing - akan
skies - Gökyüzü
mermaid - deniz kızı
decks - güverte
bathed - yıkanırlardı
gauze - gazlı bez
women - kadınlar
silent - Sessiz
seems - görünüyor
great - harika
there - Orada
distant - uzak
slightly - hafifçe
carved - oyulmuş
white - beyaz
meets - karşılayan
twinkling - pırıltı
afloat - denizde
gently - nazikçe
fleet - filo
pause - durma
golden - altın
clothed - giyinik
lemon - limon
light - ışık
seashell - deniz kabuğu
board - yazı tahtası
limply - gevşekçe
other - diğer
pearly - inci gibi
proudly - gururla
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