Outta sight outta mind, I was sure it was dead

But your voice is a loop on repeat in my head

It's like you knew what I'd do when you called and you said

That you never really let me go

Now it doesn't make sense why I'm back at your house

So much effort to build, am I burning it down?

Now I'm sinking in deeper, I thought I was out

Did I ever really let you go?

I can't breathe cause I'm going under

But if I leave will I always wonder?

And I'm broken up inside

I try but I can't walk away

I should go

But still I stay

I know this is a big mistake

Cause this is how a heart can break

You're like coffee so strong I forget how to blink

worth - değer
wonder - merak etmek
voice - Ses
under - altında
thought - düşünce
behind - arkasında
though - gerçi
deeper - daha derine
shield - kalkan
coffee - Kahve
could - could
effort - çaba
closing - kapanış
mistake - hata
price - fiyat
while - süre
their - onların
breathe - nefes almak
change - değişiklik
burning - yanan
guess - tahmin
break - kırılma
going - gidiş
cause - sebeb olmak
always - Her zaman
alone - yalnız
outta - outta
think - düşünmek
build - inşa etmek
brink - kenar
other - diğer
sinking - batma
breaks - sonları
heart - kalp
forget - unutmak
paying - ödeme yapan
strong - Güçlü
sight - görme
house - ev
inside - içeride
trying - çalışıyor
called - denilen
repeat - tekrar et
leave - ayrılmak
morning - sabah
blink - goz kirpmak
broken - kırık
never - asla
sword - kılıç
really - gerçekten mi
sense - duyu
veins - damarlar
should - meli
still - yine

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