Yeah, we gotta do something

Yeah, we gotta do something fast

Yeah, we gotta do something

If we want this world to last

Starvation, mountains made of wheat

World balance, this could not be

Some have pennies, others have pounds

Some have diamonds shining in their crowns

Fall apart, it's falling down

Do something, do it now

Do something, do something

Do, do-a-do-a-do something now

Yeah, we gotta do something

Yeah, we gotta do something fast

Yeah, we gotta do something

If we want this world to last

Destruction, bombs ready to drop

Whole world at war, it's got to stop

We gotta love to stay alive

wrong - Yanlış
worse - daha da kötüsü
world - Dünya
whole - bütün
where - nerede
wheat - buğday
trouble - sorun
double - Çift
fulfill - yerine getirmek
shining - parlıyor
could - could
cause - sebeb olmak
about - hakkında
building - Bina
alive - canlı
sacrificed - kurban
everybody - Herkes
crucified - crucified
future - gelecek
balance - denge
watched - izledi
apart - ayrı
gonna - olacak
being - olmak
times - zamanlar
ready - hazır
cleared - temizlenir
their - onların
crowns - kron
bigger - daha büyük
falling - düşen
bombs - bombalar
mountains - dağlar
tomorrow - Yarın
today - bugün
better - Daha iyi
getting - alma
these - bunlar
gotta - lazım
harder - daha güçlü
heart - kalp
burst - patlamak
above - yukarıdaki
leader - lider
diamonds - elmaslar
others - diğerleri
control - kontrol
pennies - peni
track - iz
pounds - pound
before - önce
rubble - moloz
sorrow - üzüntü
destruction - imha
something - bir şey
think - düşünmek
starvation - açlık
survive - hayatta kalmak

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